Yes, the RDJ does stand for Robert Downey Jr. Now I know what you're thinking. Everybody and their cousin's hamster has a blog. In this day and age it's not exactly new and exciting. But this is a sort of special blog for my friend Cally and me. We're going to be using this blog to chronicle our progress in an attempt to write a script (or two) specifically designed to involve the gorgeous and talented Robert Downey Jr. Maybe he'll be in it, maybe he'll produce it, maybe he'll direct it, that doesn't matter to us. As long as he's a part of it in some way or another. Whether they get made into movies or not remains to be seen. The first, most important step is actually finishing the script and sending it off. All we can do is put our minds together, shake them up a bit and see if anything usable is concocted. Only time will tell.

Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Day 297

I had to go through and change some of the days because I was a little off on the numbers, but I managed to get it all worked out. Thank you to for the help with that. So that's all worked out.

I keep coming up with all kinds of ideas, some usable, some not. I don't want to redo anything that might already exist and claim it as my own. That would suck. So I'm trying to come up with some original stuff. Cliches are okay because they're not stealing ideas, they're stuff that happens in every romcom or romdram or dramedy or whatever combination you want to use.

So there's a lot of work that needs to be done. We're nowhere near finished on any of the scripts and considering that we were planning on being completely done with all of it by the end of June, it's safe to say we're WAY behind schedule.

All we can do is keep working and hope that we can come up with something that someone would be willing to buy and make into a movie. And that we have the money to copyright it before sending it to studios.

We'll have to just wait and see.

Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Day 262

I know I said I was going to work on NaNoWriMo but that fell through rather quickly and to be quite honest, I'm not at all surprised. I got kind of bored with the story that I was working on. Oh well.

The good news is that I came up with an idea for the beginning of a random romcom that I think Cally and I can work on together and really turn into something awesome. We'll just have to wait and see about that.

The thing that's really getting to me is that the best way to write a script that is likely to sell is to do something schmoopy and cliche and I really hate to do that, but you gotta go with what sells in Hollywood.

I mean, of all the romcoms I've seen Katherine Heigl in, there's only one in which she doesn't despise the guy in the beginning of the movie only to end up falling in love with him by the end. It's cliche and over done and ridiculous. I mean, hell. Even George Lucas did it. But, you gotta go with what sells. Hopefully we can find a schmoopy cliche story that I don't feel like a total hooker for writing.

Only time will tell. :-)

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Day 255

While there hasn't been much progress on the scripts, I have been getting the writing bug lately, so that's a good sign. Gotta take what you can get, right? The ideas I'm getting are rather cliche and not really anything that I can use for a script that may or may not be starring the wonderful Robert Downey Jr, but at least I've gotten the interest in writing again.

So hopefully something will come along that will get me back into the ideas that we originally tried to go with. We can only wait and see.

Until then, totally random and unrelated, MATT SMITH IS TOTALLY ADORABLE!

And now I say goodnight.

Saturday, November 6, 2010

Day 244

Still absolutely no significant contributions to the scripts.  I think it’s safe to say that it’s going to be a while before anything happens with them.  Especially since work is kind of stressing me out and I am getting rare moments of creativity.  There’s also the fact that I’m not very good at writing scripts.  I’m much better at writing stories.  Maybe I should try doing that and see if it can be translated into a script.  I don’t know. 

I signed up to do NaNoWriMo this year but I’ve already managed to fail at that, even with just editing and adding to an existing story that I had written a few years ago.  I only needed to added about 15,000 words to an existing story and I can’t seem to get that done because inspiration has left me. 

I really need to win the lottery because then I can devote my time to writing instead of working and trying to make enough money to get my bills paid.  Unfortunately that doesn’t look like it’s going to happen any time soon. 

As the great, and fictional, Professor Charles Eppes once said, if you buy 20 lottery tickets a week then you’ll actually hit the jackpot once every 40,000 years.  And, of course, with my luck that jackpot winning hit would occur after my death.

I’m at a catch 22.  I need to write the script so that I can sell it and get money so I don’t have to work but I need money so I can spend my time writing the script instead of working.  It all comes down to the fact that I don’t have enough money to make lots of money. 

That really sucks. 

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Day 213

So I’ve decided to go back to working on the rom/com and see what I can come up with.  I think I have a good idea of what I want to do but I’m not 100% certain.  I know that I can work with something, though.  I’ve already gotten a little bit started and hopefully I can go from there. 

My fingers are seriously itching to write something and it’s frustrating me that my brain is not cooperating with them.  I’ve been trying to come up with an idea for a book because I can write a lot more that way then I can while working on a screenplay but you have to go with the muses.

I seriously think my muses hate me right now because they are not giving me what I need.  Ugh.  Hopefully things will work out better soon.  Here we were hoping to be completely done with one script by now and we haven’t even been able to come up with a whole one.  Everything changed from my original idea and now I can’t get it working at all.  I can’t even get it back into book form.  I hate that I lost the transcript that I had originally.  It’d be really nice if NaNoWriMo would keep track of those things for you but they only keep track of them for one month and then as soon as it’s over, the stuff is gone.  Other wise I would have a copy of the original book that I started writing. 

It’s all just really frustrating is what it comes down to.  I hate it when I write and write and write and come up with like 20,000 words worth of material and then it all just disappears in the process of changing computers. 

And once again I have gotten away from the original topic of this blog.  The whole point of this is to write about the process of writing a script for Robert Downey Jr and all I’ve managed to do is complain about things that have nothing to do with that.  I would like to say that it will never happen again but that, unfortunately, is something that I just can not promise.  A lot of the stuff going on in my head that has nothing to do with Robert is part of the problem in getting the script out in the first place. 

All I can do is keep trying and hope that whatever I end up with isn’t complete and utter shit.  The finish product is supposed to be something that people actually want to make into a movie and I’m really afraid that it’s going to have to be schmoopy and cliché in order for that to happen.  Maybe sending it to Robert would be a good idea because he’d be happy to produce/direct/star in a movie that isn’t completely cliché and schmoopy.  Gotta have a finished product before I can send it to him, though.  So I just have to keep working and see what happens.

Man this is a long one.  I wasn’t expecting to have this much to say but apparently I do.  And now that it’s a little after 1am here in the lovely state of Texas, I need to get some sleep before I have to deal with the manger that I like the least. 

Saturday, October 2, 2010

Day 209 part 2

Alright, so I found out that this thing really does work pretty well.  It’s a lot easier to edit the post before I make it in the Live Writer.  I do end up having to visit the website to publish the post but everything can be done in Windows Live Writer except for publishing so I truly believe that I will be using this from now on.  Smile

Day 209

This is really just a test to see if this thing works.  There’s nothing new going on with any of the scripts.  My brain is completely fried and I think that’s because of the fact that my hours have been cut to the point that I can’t even make my car payment in one paycheck like I used to be able to.  Two weeks worth of pay isn’t adding up to $330.  Pathetic, right?  Hopefully I’ll be able to pick up more hours soon.  Or at least get a second job.  We’ll see what happens with that. 

But this isn’t supposed to be about my personal life, this is supposed to be about the progress of writing the scripts for Robert to either star in or produce.  Or maybe direct.  Hopefully one of them.

I am giving a test to this thing called Windows Live Writer.  Trying to decide if this is better than just going to the website and posting the entries directly through there.  Let’s see how that goes. 

I’m really hoping that I can come up with something soon regarding this script.  Or these scripts I should say.  I’m trying really hard to write something that might actually get bought.  I still want to go with my remake of Philadelphia Story but I don’t know what all is involved in copyrighting something like that.  I probably have to pay a fee to the people that wrote the original story.  I don’t know for sure.  I do know that I want to come up with something really original and that’s been hard to do.  I’m editing the first script back to my original idea and so far I’ve managed to cut out half the pages.  It’s not turning out to be as awesome as I thought it would be.  And I’m still really stuck on the ending. 

I’m not very good at writing scripts.  I’m better at writing stories.  Maybe I should just sit down and start writing a story and then get someone to turn it into a script later.  Maybe get someone that has experience in script writing to do that for me.  I would have final say on the screenplay, of course, but that would be a lot easier for me than trying to write it in script form.  My  brain doesn’t work in stage direction and so forth.  All I can do is see what I can come up with and go from there. 

I still completely plan on writing a book titled My Crazy Neighbors Have A Psychic Rooster.  One of these days I’ll go about explaining what that means exactly.  I think with a title like that it’s bound to sell, right?  

Well, now it’s after 2am and I have been up for about 17 hours after only about 4 hours of sleep.  I should have been in bed a long time ago and I have been on the verge of crash for the last several hours, but I had TV shows to catch up on.  Sleep is imminent however.   

Monday, August 30, 2010

Day 176

So we're still kind of stuck on the scripts and I think it's because there's a general sense of ucky going on between both of us. I'm going to have to find a second job to get my bills paid and that's going to eat up even more of the little time I have at the moment to be creative. I have a couple of ideas, though. Something I might just run with. Although it's more of a book idea than a script idea, but books can be turned into scripts, right?

Hopefully one of these projects will take off. Only time will tell.

Sunday, August 8, 2010

Day 154

It really discourages me when I see stuff like the guy that got the book deal and TV show deal for Shit My Dad Says. Especially since it started as a twitter account and it's not even anything HE came up with. It's his dad doing all the work but HE'S making money off of it. What the hell? Why can't that ever happen to me?

Anyway. This post is about the scripts. It really is. There's still no progress and any future progress is going to be VERY slow because my parents are being douchebags and not handling their own finances which is requiring me to get a second job.

It'd be great if we could get one script finished and get it sold because then maybe I would be able to afford to get away from all of this bullshit. But, as I said I would say many times, we'll just have to wait and see.

Thursday, August 5, 2010

Day 151

Still no progress on the scripts. Cally and I both seem to be stuck. I'd really like to get these done before next year because I totally plan on going to Comic Con next year and it would be awesome if I could find some way to get the script or scripts to Robert.

And now I've been distracted by a fresh out of the oven chocolate chip cookie so I'm going to go enjoy that.

Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Day 129

As you can probably guess we've kind of stalled out on all of the scripts. Everything that's been going on lately has given us very little time, or creativity, to work on anything. We're trying, though. That's for sure. Hopefully we're going to have something up and ready to go soon. Only time will tell.

Monday, May 31, 2010

Day 85

So we got the script started. That's good. I wrote a little bit of it. Maybe 2 pages. But I think it's good so far. I've been watching Soapdish the last couple of days. Working on the 4th time watching it to be honest. I forgot how great this movie really is. It's great in that horrible soap opera way. And Mr Robert Downey Jr is so awesome and hilarious in this movie. The cast is fantastic. And getting to see a lot of quirky, adorable Robert inspired the bit of script that I did write. :-)

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Day 79

So we're getting the first Rom/Com script under way. We gotta get a time line and figure out what can be played out and what needs to be glanced over but I think it'll be good. And once we get this one figured out and fine tuned, then we can start on the next one.

There are some things that we have to do a "see what's available" before we can decide on what it should be. Which songs we can use in the movie, whether or not we can get hold of a certain car, that kind of thing. I think it'll work out, though. Even if we can't get the car we want, we can work with whatever we can get.

We're also planning on Indio playing a younger version of the character meant for Robert. And a little joke about the fact that Indio is so much taller than Robert. It should be funny. At least to us it is.

Saturday, May 22, 2010

Day 76 Part 2

So we've decided we're going to end up with three Rom/Com scripts. One is going to be a modernization of the movie A Philadelphia Story. I have to rewatch it and Cally's never seen it so that one's going to have to sit on the back burner for the time being. That's a movie that I would really like to modernize though. Although I doubt there will ever be a cast as brilliant as Katherine Hepburn, Cary Grant and James Stewart. I love that movie, really.

I'm not sure if the Philadelphia Story modernization is going to be for Robert but I want to do it anyway. We've got two other Rom/Com ideas for Mr Downey Jr. I think they'll be good.

Day 76

So we've decided to put "Side Effect" on the back burner for now. I need to do some reworking of it and so forth. The main problem is that I'm having desk top issues and my desk top is where the main copy of "Side Effect" is being kept, but that was not the deciding factor in putting it on the back burner. We're both still kind of stuck on where it needs to go next. So we're going to be working on a romantic comedy next. Or at least an attempt at one. I think I can be pretty funny at times but I don't know if what I think is funny would be funny to everybody. We'll just have to see what comes of it.

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Day 65

Work is sucking out my soul again. That's all for now.

Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Day 52

So today I went to the screening of an Independent film and Adam Busch and Amber Benson were there. You may know them as Warren and Tara from Buffy the Vampire Slayer the TV series. I asked them if they would read a script that was sent to them and maybe help the person get it made. The answer was that they love to read scripts but the money isn't really out there. That's where I'm going with this. So, my wonderful Robert Downey Jr project could be edited and critiqued by none other than Adam Busch and Amber Benson. That's kind of epic if you ask me.

Saturday, April 24, 2010

Day 48

Wow, almost three weeks since the last time I updated. That's not awesome at all. We've kind of been dealing with the same snag on the script but I think we figured it out. Basically, we couldn't agree on how to write a certain character. We both made this person far more important than they actually are. A whole character as a plot device. I hate doing it. I hate it when other people do it. "The only reason that person is there is so this can happen." It's frustrating. But, it's absolutely necessary. So, now that we know what the snag is, maybe we can move on from there.

I've also been given another script idea for a romantic comedy, and that's actually the fault of Mrs Downey herself, or Little D as she is sometimes called. It's kind of cute because she's actually shorter than Robert. And he's kind of short for a guy.

Sunday, April 4, 2010

Day 28

HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO THE WONDERFUL ROBERT DOWNEY JR! 45 and still as awesome as ever.

The project is going slow still. Gotta work out some kinks but it's all good. Trying to come up with a general plot outline but it's not going so well. We've got time to work things out though. :-)

Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Day 24

We're still very stuck on the script. I can't sleep right now. It's weird. There's a very important scene that we just can't get to work properly and it doesn't feel right even having it in there. How can it not feel right having an important scene in there? This is kind of frustrating.

Thank you Papa John's (previous employer) for sucking out my soul and taking most of my creativity with it. YOU SUCK!

It's taken me a couple of years just to get the writing glimmer back because of the nonsense I had to deal with working for that company but that is not why you're reading this blog so let's move on. The script is stalled at the moment so we're obviously behind schedule. And I'm pretty sure it's my fault because I can't figure out exactly what I want to do with this.

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Day 17.

We've hit a bit of a snag. We're stuck on one of the scenes. I'm sure we'll work it out though.

Monday, March 22, 2010

DAY 15

We've hit a little bit of a snag again but I think we'll get through it. One of the scenes is causing us some problems with how to go about it exactly. I'm betting once the awesomeness that is Robert Downey Jr gets a hold of this scene he'll have some genius ideas that'll make it one of the best scenes of the movie but right now it's just kind of bleh and we're both too tired to figure out what to do.

Oh if I only didn't have to work. And the way my schedule at work is going I might have to get a second job which will very much hinder my ability to write the script, but I'm thinking things will work themselves out.

We'll get this scene sorted out and everything will fall into place. It feels like we've written HOURS of script and it'll probably only come out to about 40 minutes if we're lucky right now. We'll have to see how things go. And even if Robert isn't in the movie, just getting it made would be fantastic.

Friday, March 19, 2010

Day 12

We had a minor set back in that somewhere between my laptop and my desk top, my copy of the script got deleted. I had it on a disc so that I could easily transfer from one to the other and somehow the disc was erased. I don't know how. BUT with the wonderfulness that is Cally having her own copy I was able to get another copy and remake the changes that I made last night.

We are making a great deal of progress though. We're at nearly 8000 words total. Only 2000 more words to go before Sunday. I don't know if we're going to make it but we'll get close at least.

And now we're finally in sync on the number of words. Not sure about the number of pages but that's okay as long as we have the same number of words, right? Right. Now I am going to get in a nap before I have to go to work later. Because I know you wanted to know that.

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

DAY 10

WOOT! We're at over 7500 words so that's good. We've made some headway on the script. We're getting some of the most important scenes taken care of. It's turning out to be pretty good.

I keep picture Robert whenever I write the dialogue. Seeing him playing it out in my head. It turns out pretty awesome. Of course if the wonderful Robert Downey Jr does agree to do this it'll be AMAZING and fantastic. Life will be good. I think even if Robert doesn't agree to do it, it'll still be good with the right cast. :-)

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Day 9

We've gotten a little bit more done on the script. We're at about 6300 words as of right now. We figured out one of the word count discrepancy situations and somehow still managed to have a little bit of a difference, but not enough of one to matter, really. So that's good.

Things are coming along rather nicely. We have a baseline for the next scene so that's good. It needs a lot of work but we've gotten it started. As of right now on my computer we're at 27 pages. So we're right on schedule if we were still doing three pages per day. But since we changed it to a word count per week, we're still doing good.

Saturday, March 13, 2010

Day 6

So we mainly did some editing today. There was some addition, though, so now we're at a little over 5900 words. That's awesome. It's going very well. We've been having some disagreements about the way things should be worded. We're working it out, though. Haven't had any big fights. I think that's good.

So it's also been decided that we want Jon Favreau to direct the movie. He's done beautifully with all of the movies I've seen that he's directed and he and Robert work so well together. And then there was the decision to maybe see if we could get a celebrity to retweet a link to this wonderful blog. I was thinking about all of the people on twitter that have worked with the amazing Robert Downey Jr and I could only come up with Ben Stiller and Jon Favreau.

I'm a little afraid though. There's a part of me that is worst case scenarioing everything and makes me think Robert will want to shut us down. But I guess he'd be flattered that we're writing a script specifically for him. I really wish I knew which one it was going to be. Only time will tell.

Friday, March 12, 2010

Day 5 wrap up.

Yes I know it's technically Day 6 since it's after midnight here in my time zone but it is a wrap up of day five so that's what I'm calling it. Especially since this server appears to be two hours behind me so it'll look like it posted after 10pm yesterday instead of after midnight today. Gotta love those Internet technicalities. ANYWAY.

In doing this project we learned that there's a big difference between Windows Vista MS Word and Windows 7 MS Works Word Processor. This meaning that the number of pages I have and the number of pages she has are completely different even though we're at the same number of words. That being said, Cally and I have decided to set a word count goal rather than a pages per day goal. So now we're going for 5000 words per week. We were going to do 800 a day but then realized that with some days having more and some days having less, 5000 a week is just a better goal in general.

We got a lot of work done today. Cally did some writing and I edited and and fine tuned what she wrote. The awesome thing is though that I did some writing also. I ended up writing about seven pages I think? Anyway. We were at a little over 4300 words when she sent the new pages to me and now we're at a little over 5400. So we're already 431 words ahead of our weekly goal and there are still two days in this week.

The pivotal scene is pretty much done. There's some anger and some crying and some heart wrenching. It's definitely going to be a tear jerker, especially if Robert gets his hands on this script. That is an OMG moment just thinking about the amazing Robert Downey Jr playing out some of these scenes. I don't know if I'll be able to handle just thinking about it let alone what I'll do if I actually get to see it.

But that's done for now. We still have a lot of work to do and there's still a bunch of scenes that need to be taken care of. This is only about the first half hour of the movie, sadly. By the time we're done though there may be stuff that needs to be cut for time sake. lol. And again I say, we'll just have to wait and see.

Day 5

Since it's 215 in the morning here in my time zone I have to call this Day 5 but it's just the beginning. As you can see I didn't post the last couple of days. I meant to post yesterday but I've been getting myself addicted to and finding my relatives and things so I've been slightly side tracked.

We really didn't do any writing the last couple of days because we were tweaking what we already had. Fine tuning and editing and things like that. Making it flow a little better. BUT in the process of all this we did come up with a very pivotal scene that is going to either make or break the movie.

We also agreed that if the movie gets made and if the amazing Robert Downey Jr agrees to do it then we will most definitely let him ad lib and have some creative say in the lines and things like that. I mean, he did that with Iron Man and look how it turned out. So of course we're going to let his genius run free on our script. The whole point is to get awards with this movie for us as well as him.

I am saying right now that I refuse to let he movie be released in theaters before August 1st. Any movie that is going to have any chance during awards time needs to be released later in the year. Look at The Soloist. Both Jamie Foxx and Robert Downey Jr deserved awards for that movie and it didn't even get nominated because everybody forgot about it. So this movie will not be released before August 1st. If I can get away with putting that in any kind of contract we might get should the script get sold. Actually I guess I should say that it will not be released between February 1st and August 1st. Because, if you think about it, March 15th of this year is after August 1st of last year. And you know that studios would look for that kind of loophole. Or maybe between August 1st and December 31st. That would be best. The point is it needs to be out in time for Oscar consideration but not released so early that it gets forgotten before the nominations come around.

And I really think I'm getting way ahead of myself right now. lol. But it's now 223am and I told myself I was going to be in bed a long time ago. So good night for now. I will post again when we have more script written.

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Day 2 addendum

So I found out that you can only direct message people on twitter if they are following you as well as you following them. That means I can't use any of my "contacts" to help me get ideas on how to submit the scripts. Which means I'm going to have to try to use other means.

Anybody got any ideas?

Day 2 final post

So we got a lot more done today. On my computer using Microsoft Works Word Processor on Windows 7 at 10 point Times Roman we actually have 9 pages. So we got three days worth of work done in two days. That's pretty good.

The problem is that the script we have written so far is maybe....10 minutes of film? If that. It's really kind of daunting when you think about it. But all we can do is keep writing and see what happens.

There are those words again. Or at least a version of them. Popping up again as I said they would. So now day 2 is done because Cally has gone off to bed.

I think having a fresh set of eyes on the situation is what's helping the most. Having a second brain working on it. It's changing from my original plan but I think it's working out. Hopefully before long we'll have it copy righted and I'll be able to send it off to a studio.

I'm thinking about using my Twitter "connections" with some famous people like Jon Favreau or Amber Benson or Ben Stiller and see if I can get some advice on how to submit the script to a studio. Don't know if I'll get an answer but it never hurts to ask, does it?

Day 2 continued

Collaboration has begun! Woot! We've gotten some work done on the script that was already written. We're fine tuning and so forth. That's good. I emailed her the basic premise for the second script but there's a lot of work that needs to be done on that too. Now, though, we can put that aside and save it for later.

We've decided to do three script pages a day. That's a good pace, I think. If we're going for 150 pages that gives us 50 days. SO, if things go the way we want them to go we should have a finished script by the end of April. Then of course we can spend time fine tuning and tweaking and making sure it's exactly what we want it to be.

For some reason my brain didn't pick up on the fact that 50 days is less than two months. I guess it's due to a lack of sleep. So now I head back to bed before going to work even though I only have about an hour before I have to be awake just because I need to get gas on the way to work since I didn't do it last night but I guess that's more information than you needed.

Day 2

I am calling this Day 2 because it is after midnight here in my time zone and I think that counts as the second day. There'll probably be another Day 2 post toward the end of the day but I wanted to get some stuff out there while I have it in my head.

I've sort of started working out an idea for the heart warming drama. I can't say it's an original idea and I don't really know if it's going to work. We'll have to wait and see. I'm going to say that a lot, just so you know. "Wait and see" will make several appearances in various forms because that's all we really can do. We get the ideas down on paper, or in this case typed on a computer, then get everything together guessed it. Wait and see.

So when she wakes up in her time zone I will run the idea past Cally and see what she thinks and go from there.

I edited this post so that it would actually post on the second day.

Monday, March 8, 2010

Day 1

I'll be honest and say that Cally is doing most of the hard work. I'm the idea person apparently and she's doing the actually writing. Today while I was at work she got started with the ideas I gave her before I left for work.

She's started to help me on a script/novel that I actually started back in 2006. I started writing the script for Gale Harold, in all honesty, but my love for the man dwindled to nothingness after I got a chance to meet him. Let's just say sometimes it's better for the fantasies to stay fantasies.

I know that's a little bit of a contradiction since I'm kind of doing this in the hopes of one day getting to meet the wonderfulness that is Robert Downey Jr, but he just seems to be a lot more real than some of the other people I've seen and met. Meeting him could totally burst my bubble but that is a chance I am very willing to take.

All I'm going to say right now is that the title of the project is Side Effect. No details given out at this time. We're actually going to be working on two scripts. One is going to be an awesome psycho thriller and the other is going to be a heart warming drama. One I know will be at least mostly original and the other will probably end up being cliche and sappy, but there's not really a whole lot of originality that can be produced when heart warming drama is what you're going for. We'll have to see what we can come up with there.

So, as of Day 1 we have 3 pages of script down for the psycho thriller that we're working on. I haven't read them yet because she lives in a time zone that is 6 hours ahead of me and therefore had to go to bed before I got home from work, but I will definitely read them tomorrow.

I think the motto of this blog is going to be GOD BLESS THE INTERNET! Without it, Cally and I may never have met, let alone tried to collaborate on a script or two. :-)