Collaboration has begun! Woot! We've gotten some work done on the script that was already written. We're fine tuning and so forth. That's good. I emailed her the basic premise for the second script but there's a lot of work that needs to be done on that too. Now, though, we can put that aside and save it for later.
We've decided to do three script pages a day. That's a good pace, I think. If we're going for 150 pages that gives us 50 days. SO, if things go the way we want them to go we should have a finished script by the end of April. Then of course we can spend time fine tuning and tweaking and making sure it's exactly what we want it to be.
For some reason my brain didn't pick up on the fact that 50 days is less than two months. I guess it's due to a lack of sleep. So now I head back to bed before going to work even though I only have about an hour before I have to be awake just because I need to get gas on the way to work since I didn't do it last night but I guess that's more information than you needed.
Yes, the RDJ does stand for Robert Downey Jr. Now I know what you're thinking. Everybody and their cousin's hamster has a blog. In this day and age it's not exactly new and exciting. But this is a sort of special blog for my friend Cally and me. We're going to be using this blog to chronicle our progress in an attempt to write a script (or two) specifically designed to involve the gorgeous and talented Robert Downey Jr. Maybe he'll be in it, maybe he'll produce it, maybe he'll direct it, that doesn't matter to us. As long as he's a part of it in some way or another. Whether they get made into movies or not remains to be seen. The first, most important step is actually finishing the script and sending it off. All we can do is put our minds together, shake them up a bit and see if anything usable is concocted. Only time will tell.