We've hit a little bit of a snag again but I think we'll get through it. One of the scenes is causing us some problems with how to go about it exactly. I'm betting once the awesomeness that is Robert Downey Jr gets a hold of this scene he'll have some genius ideas that'll make it one of the best scenes of the movie but right now it's just kind of bleh and we're both too tired to figure out what to do.
Oh if I only didn't have to work. And the way my schedule at work is going I might have to get a second job which will very much hinder my ability to write the script, but I'm thinking things will work themselves out.
We'll get this scene sorted out and everything will fall into place. It feels like we've written HOURS of script and it'll probably only come out to about 40 minutes if we're lucky right now. We'll have to see how things go. And even if Robert isn't in the movie, just getting it made would be fantastic.
Yes, the RDJ does stand for Robert Downey Jr. Now I know what you're thinking. Everybody and their cousin's hamster has a blog. In this day and age it's not exactly new and exciting. But this is a sort of special blog for my friend Cally and me. We're going to be using this blog to chronicle our progress in an attempt to write a script (or two) specifically designed to involve the gorgeous and talented Robert Downey Jr. Maybe he'll be in it, maybe he'll produce it, maybe he'll direct it, that doesn't matter to us. As long as he's a part of it in some way or another. Whether they get made into movies or not remains to be seen. The first, most important step is actually finishing the script and sending it off. All we can do is put our minds together, shake them up a bit and see if anything usable is concocted. Only time will tell.