So we're still kind of stuck on the scripts and I think it's because there's a general sense of ucky going on between both of us. I'm going to have to find a second job to get my bills paid and that's going to eat up even more of the little time I have at the moment to be creative. I have a couple of ideas, though. Something I might just run with. Although it's more of a book idea than a script idea, but books can be turned into scripts, right?
Hopefully one of these projects will take off. Only time will tell.
Yes, the RDJ does stand for Robert Downey Jr. Now I know what you're thinking. Everybody and their cousin's hamster has a blog. In this day and age it's not exactly new and exciting. But this is a sort of special blog for my friend Cally and me. We're going to be using this blog to chronicle our progress in an attempt to write a script (or two) specifically designed to involve the gorgeous and talented Robert Downey Jr. Maybe he'll be in it, maybe he'll produce it, maybe he'll direct it, that doesn't matter to us. As long as he's a part of it in some way or another. Whether they get made into movies or not remains to be seen. The first, most important step is actually finishing the script and sending it off. All we can do is put our minds together, shake them up a bit and see if anything usable is concocted. Only time will tell.