Wednesday, November 24, 2010
Day 262
The good news is that I came up with an idea for the beginning of a random romcom that I think Cally and I can work on together and really turn into something awesome. We'll just have to wait and see about that.
The thing that's really getting to me is that the best way to write a script that is likely to sell is to do something schmoopy and cliche and I really hate to do that, but you gotta go with what sells in Hollywood.
I mean, of all the romcoms I've seen Katherine Heigl in, there's only one in which she doesn't despise the guy in the beginning of the movie only to end up falling in love with him by the end. It's cliche and over done and ridiculous. I mean, hell. Even George Lucas did it. But, you gotta go with what sells. Hopefully we can find a schmoopy cliche story that I don't feel like a total hooker for writing.
Only time will tell. :-)
Wednesday, November 17, 2010
Day 255
So hopefully something will come along that will get me back into the ideas that we originally tried to go with. We can only wait and see.
Until then, totally random and unrelated, MATT SMITH IS TOTALLY ADORABLE!
And now I say goodnight.
Saturday, November 6, 2010
Day 244
Still absolutely no significant contributions to the scripts. I think it’s safe to say that it’s going to be a while before anything happens with them. Especially since work is kind of stressing me out and I am getting rare moments of creativity. There’s also the fact that I’m not very good at writing scripts. I’m much better at writing stories. Maybe I should try doing that and see if it can be translated into a script. I don’t know.
I signed up to do NaNoWriMo this year but I’ve already managed to fail at that, even with just editing and adding to an existing story that I had written a few years ago. I only needed to added about 15,000 words to an existing story and I can’t seem to get that done because inspiration has left me.
I really need to win the lottery because then I can devote my time to writing instead of working and trying to make enough money to get my bills paid. Unfortunately that doesn’t look like it’s going to happen any time soon.
As the great, and fictional, Professor Charles Eppes once said, if you buy 20 lottery tickets a week then you’ll actually hit the jackpot once every 40,000 years. And, of course, with my luck that jackpot winning hit would occur after my death.
I’m at a catch 22. I need to write the script so that I can sell it and get money so I don’t have to work but I need money so I can spend my time writing the script instead of working. It all comes down to the fact that I don’t have enough money to make lots of money.
That really sucks.